10 Strategies to Having a Successful Singles Trip with a Travel Group or
at a Singles Weekend
Summer is here and you may have made plans to attend a singles weekend or travel with a singles’ group within the next couple of months. There are a wide variety of places to go and activities to participate in from educational site seeing groups of foreign lands to fun in the sun resorts that offer swimming, biking and sports like tennis and golf. How about a cruise of
- Do plan on having fun on your trip.
Don’t let a recent break up or pining away for an old girlfriend drag you down.
Forget about the pile of work you left on your desk. Show that you are truly
happy and excited to be on the trip. People like to be around fun and carefree
- Do commit to meeting a lot of people you don’t know.
Sit with different people at meal time or on a bus or plane ride.
Don’t stick like glue with your best pal girlfriend that you came on the trip with
the whole time. Be accessible and show people you are interested in getting to
know them.
- Don’t make snap judgments about people.
You will be surprised about how wrong you can be! Stay open and accepting of people. On a trip, I was convinced that this one guy was gay and it turned out that I was dead wrong! Now he is in a happy heterosexual marriage.
- Do participate in the planned daily and evening activities.
Even if the event seems lame, you may end up commiserating with a fellow traveler and bonding. You learn a lot about people by how they handle different situations. You meet people by participating in activities and find people that have the same interests as you. Even though I felt a little embarrassed at first, I agreed to be in the Club Med variety show- I ended up having a blast at rehearsals!
- Don’t be known as the complainer or appear to be high maintenance.
No one wants to be with a downer or someone who can’t let things go. You are there to have a good time. Learn to go with the flow or people may steer clear of you.
- Don’t hook up too early in the trip with any one person.
Spend the first couple of days getting to know many people. Don’t commit to being someone’s best friend on the first day- you may regret that decision. My girlfriend hooked up with a guy on the first half on the trip and he ended up dumping her for another girl. She was embarrassed and felt uncomfortable for the rest of the trip. If a guy likes you, he will stick around. See # 9 and #10 for the follow up on this strategy.
- Do bring a favorite activity or game to keep you occupied while on your trip.
I made several friends by bringing fun and entertainment to my fellow travelers. I love backgammon and had backgammon tournaments on bus rides and at the beach. You also get to see someone’s competitive side and learn if they are a good loser! A deck of card for poker and boggle are good games to bring along.
- Do spend a little quality (alone) time with someone you are attracted to.
If there is someone you do fancy, it’s okay to leave the group for a stint to walk along the beach, do a fun activity like sailing or go visit a museum and have lunch together. The purpose is to meet someone special- so alone time is crucial.
- Don’t do anything that you will regret or feel bad about in the morning!
On a site-seeing trip or on a singles cruise you are most likely going to have to face a guy or gal again- even perhaps back at home. And you know how rumors fly! Moonlight walks along the beach can set a romantic mood and you can get carried away. Besides, you barely know the person. So be careful that you don’t do anything that you will kick yourself for later.
- Remember, it’s the follow up and what happens after the trip that matters most.
To follow along with the above strategy, if a guy is interested in you, he will get in touch with you when you get home! It’s what happens when you get back to reality that really matters most. How does this person appear to you now when you have to make an effort to keep the relationship going?
At a singles beach weekend, on my next to last day there, I met a man I was interested in. I stayed up all night with him talking and we watched the sunrise together on the boardwalk. Then we spent the whole next day together. We seemed to get along very well. He lived in
he took my phone number and then he never called! Although I was disappointed, I didn’t do anything that I would be ashamed of. Sometimes you have to take a chance. I’m glad I didn’t spend the entire weekend with him.
Enjoy your summer travels – it’s nice to get away from all your cares. If you don’t yet have plans for a summer trip, then visit my website, www.HeartmindConnection.com/resources.html to peruse the list of some companies that organize singles trips. With the above strategies, your singles trip will be more comfortable and have a greater chance for success.
Find a Marriage Partner Using Life Coach Amy’s
“Motivated to Marry TM” Method to Dating
Aiming primarily at both female and male adults ages 35-55, Amy shares her insights in a variety of convenient ways: online web content, speeches, tele-gatherings, one-on-one consultations and her new book (which is available on her website). Her sage counsel is based on her own dating/ relationship research - hundreds of respondents to her questionnaires - input from friends as well as her own life experiences.
Amy coaches singles to attract a spouse in the near future without wasting time, energy and money. She is now happily married and credits her quest for knowledge about how to find the right marriage partner and her work with a coach in helping her to realize this goal after a painful divorce.
Unlike many coaches, Amy is certified by the Coaches Training Institute of San Raphael, CA which is recognized as a top school by the International Coaches Federation. Additionally, she holds an MBA from
Prior to her coaching business Amy has been successfully involved in several different business areas. She created and ran La Petite Classique, an upscale clothing boutique for petite women in
Following La Petite Classique, Amy transitioned into a personal wardrobe and image consultant. She used her keen fashion eye and judgment to assist professional men and women in selecting business and casual apparel to look their best.
Now Amy is helping "clothe" people with new-found hope and confidence to focus on building lasting and strong relationships.
DC-Area Dating/ Relationship Coach Offers Innovative Monthly Free Tele-Seminars
Rockville, MD – February 1, 2007 – Now you can learn about dating and having successful relationships from monthly phone seminars -- all from the comfort of your home or office! No more travel hassles or location constraints! Amy Schoen, a life coach, dating/ relationship expert, and principal of Heartmind Connection Coaching, offers this innovative way to help busy singles who desire to improve their dating and relationship skills to find their romantic life partners.
Both tele-seminars and personal “live” seminars are detailed on Amy’s user-friendly website www.heartmindconnection.com. Her seminars “Dating Like a Pro” and “Learn to Date the Motivated to Marry™ Method” have been shared with DC singles groups Learning Escapes, Parents without Partners, Professionals in the City, First Class and the Greater Washington JCC. Additionally, her articles about first date tips, appropriate dating gifts, how to make time for dating as a busy entrepreneur and many other topics have been featured in publications including Washington Woman, Washington Families and the Washington Jewish Week. She has been quoted in publications such as the Washington Post, the Washington Business Journal and the Gazette Newspapers and has been interviewed on WUSA TV, WMET AM, WBIG- AM,
With the divorce rate at 50%, Amy knows the importance of learning skills that help relationships survive and thrive. For the past 11 years, she has been studying how to have successful relationships by reading, taking classes and being coached, herself. Now remarried for over 4 years, Amy sought life coaching to crystallize her own philosophy about what it takes to have a successful love relationship. “My coaching has a strong emphasis on knowing who you are, and what’s important to you, namely your key values.”
As busy singles, coaching participants see the value of tele-seminars where both time and cost are minimized. Students receive the information they need in a very fun and interactive environment that is very convenient. Amy has also created a 12 week tele-coaching group program for those who are serious about finding a mate. Accessibility is a unique and important aspect of Amy’s services. She is available weekdays, some weeknights and an occasional weekend, plus, she offers a complimentary sample coaching sessions by telephone to individuals. For more information: 240-498-7803.
Amy is no newcomer to the world of professional speaking. She previously ran a wardrobe consulting business and owned and operated a
Amy was trained and certified through the Coaches Training Institute of San Rafael,
10 New Year’s Relationship Resolutions for The Single Entrepreneur
By Amy Schoen
It’s time to reflect upon the last year – your accomplishments and that someone special that is missing in your life and to start setting your intentions for the year ahead. Here is my list to jumpstart you:
1. I will keep a positive attitude about dating and the opposite sex.
2. I will have more fun this year and give myself time to socialize and meet new people.
3. I will commit to continuously learning about myself so I can make better decisions about what I need and want in a relationship.
4. I will stay true to myself and my values and only date people who match my values and life goals and not date solely based upon chemistry. This will save me time in the long run.
5. I will try some new ways to meet people and go outside my normal comfort zone.
6. Since time is such a premium, I will seek ways to combine fun and activities that support my business or physical activities I enjoy where I may meet people to date (i.e., golf, tennis, bowling, skiing, hiking, biking).
7. I will hire people to do the things I do not like or am not that good at so I can have more time to put towards finding and having a relationship.
8. I will try to be open, and not too judgmental. I will give a nice person a chance when meeting new dating prospects.
9. I will treat others with respect in the same way that I would be expected to be treated by others.
10. On a date or in social situations, I will keep the focus on others and not on me. It’s important to stay curious about others.
5 Dating Strategies for the Single Entrepreneur
By Amy Schoen
My friend Jonathan is self-employed and single. He talks about how it would be so nice to have a relationship in his life and yet I do not see him making the time for the process of dating. He tells me that his work is very demanding and that he is barely keeping up with his clients.
Having your own business or being self-employed is very challenging, as well as rewarding. Add being single to the equation and it can be a very lonely. I was single while I ran a women’s clothing boutique. Although I worked incredible hours and had a 7 day a week operation, I made a concerted effort to date and meet people which eventually led me to meeting my husband. This is how I recommend you fit dating into your hectic work schedule:
1. Get Clear on What your Life Goals and Priorities Are
What are your goals and priorities in life?
- Work
- Family
- Finding a life partner and getting married
- Community service
- Athletic activities
- Personal/ social activities
Rank them from 1 to 6, 1 being the most important. What came up for you during this exercise?
Next, where do you see yourself in 5 years? Would you be happy being single at that time? It’s time to be honest with yourself.
Just like you have a business plan for your business, you need to develop a life plan for your life. When you focus on obtaining and having the important things in life, it will happen for you.
2. Put your Personal Time on Your calendar and Stick to it!
When you decide to carve out some time for your personal life which may include the pursuit of meeting someone for a relationship, then make an appointment with yourself on your calendar. How many hours a week are you willing to commit to this endeavor?
You need to apply the same time management skills to your personal time as you do to your work time. Do you consider the event or activity for meeting people to date urgent, desirable or eventually need to do?
Go ahead, put this date in your calendar and commit to keeping this appointment with yourself!
3. Decide on What Trade Offs You Are Willing To Make
Life is about trade offs. What are you willing to sacrifice to have what you want? It may be for a short time or a long time depending on your success on meeting the right person for you.
Are you willing to work some less hours and make less money? Perhaps you would be willing to hire someone to do the work that is least desirable to you. I hired a bookkeeper even though I was very capable of doing the work myself. I ended up using a mailing service for my promotional materials when I did the labels for mailing myself at early on in my business. I thought it was more important to free up my time for what I enjoyed rather doing the detailed, repetitive tasks. I hired smart college students to do some of the busy work for me. Even if you bring in help seasonally, it may free you up for a vacation or a long weekend!
Consider hiring an assistant to help you with writing letters, making appointments and following up with phone calls to your clients. Now virtual assistants are becoming very popular with business owners.
There is a time cost and benefit to every singles event and dating service available to you. Once you have a handle how much time a week you want to put towards dating, you need to decide how many financial resources you want to devote to these endeavors.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to get a real clear picture of your values. Your values are what’s most important to you in life. For instance, kindness and compassion may be very important to you. Therefore, this is what you would want in a mate, as well. Once you have your values constructed, then you have guideposts for which you can evaluate your potential partner.
Next, it’s important to get clear on what you want in life. Do you want children? If not, you need to be clear with your potential dates that you are not interested in children. You may not even want to date divorced people with kids. The opposite may be true as well. If you want children and someone doesn’t then there is no point pursing a relationship with this person. This will save you much time and anguish!
Now you are ready to see who is out there and who will be best suited for you. If you are willing to spend the money, you may consider a reputable matchmaker or dating service. The internet can be a good way to meet people to date. You can search the net at all hours of the day or night. However, it may take a lot of searching and weeding out.
It can be very frustrating when people do not return your emails. Try more than one site. Different sites will produce different results. See my resource page on my website http://www.heartmindconnection.com/resources for a list of dating internet sites you may want to consider.
Last, ask friends, family or perhaps business associates who know you well to introduce you to people to date. Tell them what you are looking for in a mate so they can be helpful to you. Don’t be shy to ask them to fix you up. One of my clients was very good about getting the word out that she was looking to meet someone to date. She eventually got fixed up with someone she really likes.
5. Combine Fun and Recreation with Meeting People
What is fun and relaxing for you? It is not healthy to work all the time and not have any play!
If you enjoy socializing, then the singles events may help you get out and be with people. Who knows, you may pick up a client if not a date!
For the athletic types, sports activities such as biking groups or tennis parties may be a way to have fun and meet someone to date. If you are into working out to keep your shape and stamina, then the gym can be a place to meet those of the opposite sex who also share this desire to keep fit. Perhaps you will enjoy taking a ski trip or a hiking trip with a singles group.
Taking vacations are critical to maintaining sanity for an entrepreneur. If you love traveling, you may consider joining a singles travel group to see various parts of the world. There are even singles cruises for those who enjoy traveling by sea. I know a woman who loved yoga and found a travel group that incorporated daily yoga into the trip. Imagine finding your soul mate while doing what you truly love!
As an entrepreneur, you have already experienced what happens when you have a vision of what you want and focus on that goal. You have built your thriving business with your drive and determination. You can also have a fulfilling relationship if you apply your same drive and determination to that area of your life. It may just take some rebalancing of your energy and focus. Nonetheless, the benefits of finding that rewarding romantic relationship can last a lifetime!
Life Coach Amy’s 5 Strategies for Singles on How to Survive the Holidays
As we approach year-end, life coach and dating/ relationship expert Amy Schoen, CPCC, MBA and founder of Heartmind Connection Coaching offers practical and valuable tips for singles to cope with the holidays. Compiling her recommendations into “5 Strategies for Singles on How to Survive the Holidays,” Amy provides a rundown of winning ways to spend holiday time when you are not in a significant relationship.
Ranging from staying in and catching up on paperwork, to earning overtime pay by working, to going out and doing stuff you love, to seeking out singles events, to taking a trip and getting out of town, Amy’s sage advice is based on input from friends as well as her own life experiences.
Amy specializes in guiding busy single professionals in the dating/ relationship arena, also providing expert articles to J-Date and selfgrowth.com. As Amy knows firsthand, it's easy to immerse oneself in work to the exclusion of all else, especially time to cultivate personal relationships. Amy is now happily married and credits her quest for knowledge about how to have a healthy relationship and her work with a coach in helping her to realize this goal after a painful divorce.
Unlike many coaches, Amy is certified by the Coaches Training Institute of San Raphael, CA which is recognized as a top school by the International Coaches Federation. Additionally, she holds an MBA from
Prior to her coaching business Amy has been successfully involved in several different business areas. She created and ran La Petite Classique, an upscale clothing boutique for petite women in
Following La Petite Classique, Amy transitioned into a personal wardrobe consultant. She used her keen fashion eye and judgment to assist professional men and women in selecting business and casual apparel to look their best.
Now Amy is helping "clothe" people with new-found hope and confidence to focus on building lasting and strong relationships. She capitalizes upon her creative writing and speaking talents through the web and telephone. In addition, she is the author of the "Motivate to MarryTM- Now There is a Better Method to Dating and Relationships" based on her dating relationship research and personal dating experiences.